Bill Woolley

Bill Woolley has lived with at least one cat for every one of his 65 years, so when he retired and was looking for a meaningful way to spend his time, St. Hubert’s seemed like a natural fit. It’s been just over a year since he started volunteering as a feline friend at Noah’s Ark, and Bill has become indispensable, devoted to the cats and a favorite of the staff.

Bill is modest about his talents as a cat whisperer. “Cats and I just seem to have personalities that mesh well and I’ve never met a cat who didn’t capture my heart.” He is an effective advocate as well. With help from St. Hubert’s staff he started a TNR project in his neighborhood last year. So far he has accommodated 11 cats in his apartment before returning them to the outside or socializing them well enough to surrender to Noah’s for adoption. Because of his efforts, four cats have found great homes, and Bill has quietly sponsored the adoption fee for each one.

Bill appreciates the “fantastic” staff at Noah’s, “who appreciate my effort and welcome me every day like I’m part of their team…. There are no staff members who seem interested in stepping into the spotlight or taking bows. They genuinely and consistently want to keep the animals on center stage.”

And the feeling is definitely mutual. Noah’s manager, Amanda, says, “Bill is really patient, and I know when he spends time with a shy or scared cat, that cat will start to come around…. He is one of the most compassionate people I have ever met.”

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