Rehoming your pet is a difficult decision. Pets are often surrendered to a shelter because owners are unaware of other options or resources. Whenever possible, our goal is to keep people and their pets together. We can often help with behavior or medical problems, and we may be able to provide financial support for veterinary care.
If you’re facing housing insecurity or experiencing other urgent issues with a pet, please call 973-377-2295 or email pethelp@sthuberts.org.
We understand that situations arise that make it impossible for you to keep your pet. In that case, we’ll do our best to help you rehome them.
Alternatives to Surrendering Your Pet
A common reason pet parents need to rehome their pet is because of unwanted behavior. St. Hubert’s can work with you to address these behavioral challenges, allowing your pet to remain part of your family. Before surrendering your pet, please consider training options and solutions. Our behavior help resources and training team can address problems such as destructive, reactive, and fearful behaviors as well as inappropriate urination and/or defecation. If you're considering rehoming due to behaviorial concerns, please contact us at pethelp@sthuberts.org
Many pet owners facing allergies are able to share their home with their companion animal and effectively manage their symptoms. Products such as Allerpet for dogs and cats can help reduce pet dander by 50% when used every three to four days. Creating a pet-free zone, keeping your pet(s) off of your furniture, and investing in a HEPA air purifier have also proven effective in reducing allergy symptoms from pet dander. For an additional list of tips and guidance, please click here.
If you are at risk of losing your home, St. Hubert's may be able to help care for your pet. Learn about our temporary crisis care program and review the New Jersey housing rights and resources.
St. Hubert's may be able to help with your pet's medical needs. Please contact us at pethelp@sthuberts.org for more information or call 973-377-2295.
Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet.com
The shelter environment can be a stressful and frightening environment for some animals. Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet offers a direct-to-adopter platform to find your pet a new home without bringing them to the shelter.
In just a few short steps, you can create a listing for your pet and connect with families looking to adopt. Rehome charges a small listing fee** (between $5 and $50 depending on the type and age of the pet).
** You may use this referral coupon code to take 90% off the listing fee: SHAWC92846
Surrendering Your Pet to St. Hubert’s
Our goal is to keep people and their pets together whenever possible. However, we understand sometimes that is not an option, and we are here to help. You can always surrender your pet to us if you adopted him/her from St. Hubert’s.
If you did not adopt your pet from St. Hubert’s, we encourage you to explore private rehoming. We can provide you with information about rehoming options. We also keep a waiting list of pets to be surrendered, though we cannot guarantee we will be able to take in your pet. You will first need to fill out a surrender request form. Once we receive that form, if we think we may be able to successfully rehome your animal, a member of our staff will reach out.
For more information, please email frontdesk@sthuberts.org.