Frequently Asked Questions
There are no classes:
2024 Christmas break Tuesday 12/24 to Wednesday 1/1/25
1/20/2025 Monday Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Monday 1/202/17/2025 Monday President’s Day Monday
4/20/25 Easter Sunday
Memorial Day weekend Friday 5/23 to Monday 5/26
6/19/2025 Thursday Juneteenth
Fourth of July weekend Friday 7/4 to Sun 7/6
Labor Day weekend Friday 8/29 to Monday 9/1
Thanksgiving weekend Wednesday 11/26 to Sunday 11/30
Christmas Break Wednesday 12/24 to Thursday 1/1
All class cancellations must be received one week prior prior to the start of the first class.
There are no refunds, pro-rates, or credits given for missed classes.
Make-up classes are currently not offered. If you are unable to attend a class, please read your handbook for the week you missed.
Age appropriate vaccinations are required. Dogs five months and older are required to be vaccinated for distemper, parvo, and rabies. Dogs under five months of age can attend class without their rabies shot, but must have at least the first series of parvo and distemper.
- A variety of high value soft treats (no kibble).
- A six foot leash (no flexi or retractable leashes allowed).
- A photo or copy of you dogs current age appropriate vaccination records.

St. Hubert’s Scholarship Fund
The St. Hubert’s Scholarship Fund was created to help animals that are adopted adjust to their new home and bond with their new family. We all know that the more time we spend with our pets, the stronger our connection and the better our communication with them is. For an adopted animal, it also increases the odds that they will not be returned to the shelter for behavior issues.
For every $100 collected, we will grant a full scholarship to one of our training classes (for our canine companions) or a private, in home session (for our feline friends). Our goal is to collect enough donations to offer this to every animal available for adoption at any St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center location.
Please consider donating to this amazing fund and help us give the gift of learning to homeless animals in need. Whether you choose to give a one-time gift or choose to make it a recurring, monthly donation, your help is greatly appreciated by all of us.