Make a Lasting Impact
Thank you for considering St. Hubert’s in your estate plans. St. Hubert’s accepts many types of gifts, including mandatory IRA distributions, stock, and grants via Donor Advised Funds, as well as bequests and gifts of life insurance. Simple procedures for each of these types of gifts are outlined below.
If you would like to discuss trusts and other giving vehicles, as well as gifts of real estate, property, or closely held stock, please contact Valerie DiBiaggio, Director of Major Gifts at 862-337-0260 or vdibiaggio@sthuberts.org.
Make a Bequest
A bequest, or the designation of a specific amount of funds or percentage of the estate through a will, is a common and highly beneficial way to support a charity. This can be done by using language like that provided below in your will. This is a way to support the work of a valued nonprofit and, depending on the donor’s assets, can also help reduce estate tax.
Sample Bequest Language:
Sample #1 – Percentage Bequest
“I give, devise and bequeath to St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center (Legal Name Washington Humane Society DBA St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center, tax identification number 53-0219724), a charitable corporation in in Madison, NJ, maintaining its headquarters at 575 Woodland Ave. Madison, NJ 07940, _______% of the rest and residue of my estate.”
Sample #2 – Residuary Bequest
“I give, devise and bequeath to St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center (Legal Name Washington Humane Society DBA St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center, tax identification number 53-0219724), a charitable corporation in Madison, NJ, maintaining its headquarters at 575 Woodland Ave. Madison, NJ 07940, the rest and residue of my estate.”
Sample #3 – Bequest for a specific amount
“I give and bequeath to St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center (Legal Name Washington Humane Society DBA St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center, tax identification number 53-0219724), a charitable corporation in Madison, NJ, maintaining its headquarters at 575 Woodland Ave.”
Sample #4 – Percentage Bequest
“In the event that (name or names; i.e., spouse, children, sibling, heirs) shall not survive me, or shall die during the administration of my estate, within ____ days from the date of my death, or as a result of a common disaster, then I give, devise and bequeath those beneficiaries' shares of my estate to St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center (Legal Name Washington Humane Society DBA St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center, tax identification number 53-0219724), a charitable corporation in Madison, NJ, maintaining its headquarters at 575 Woodland Ave. Madison, NJ 07940.”
Gifts of Life Insurance
There are several ways to make a gift of life insurance. The most common is to make St. Hubert’s the owner and beneficiary of an insurance policy on the donor’s life. In this case, the donor receives an immediate tax benefit from the gift, and St. Hubert’s will receive the value of the policy when it matures. If the policy is not paid up, the donor can deduct premiums paid as gifts to the charity. Please discuss the benefits of specific life insurance options with your financial advisor. If you would like to make this type of gift, please contact Valerie DiBiaggio, Director of Major Gifts at 862-337-0260 or vdibiaggio@sthuberts.org.
IRA Manadatory Distribution
Age 70.5 if you’ve reached this age before January 2020 or age 72 for all others
You may be in a position where you are required to take a specific amount of money from a retirement fund, like an IRA. These funds are taxable, except when they are transferred directly to non-profits as gifts. To exercise this option, please discuss it with your IRA manager. Before you make a transfer, please contact Valerie DiBiaggio, Director of Major Gifts at 862-337-0260 or vdibiaggio@sthuberts.org.
Other Types of Planned Gifts
There are many types of trusts and gifts of assets that can be highly beneficial for donors, their families, and nonprofit organizations. St. Hubert’s is happy to work with you and your financial advisor to develop the right plan for you. To begin a conversation, please contact Valerie DiBiaggio, Director of Major Gifts at 862-337-0260 or vdibiaggio@sthuberts.org.