St. Hubert's Animal Welfare Center

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Three Dogs Rescued From Bitter Cold on New Year's Day

Update—January 22, 2018

Canela, Camila and Cerdo

Camila had the best weekend ever! She has found her new home and we’re sure both her and the Antico family can’t wait to start their life together. Her brothers are busy with the enrichment team daily getting used to walking with a leash and collar and we hope that they too will find their perfect match by the end of this week or next. In the meantime check out these cute pictures of them out on play dates!

The little trio of siblings are doing great!  They are in good health, eating well and becoming more comfortable in their surroundings.  While they love hanging out and playing together, they are learning to spend time with people individually and we’re seeing good progress.  They were spayed/neutered on Friday, 1/12 and all were up and feeling themselves just a short time later.  It won’t be long before each is  ready to start interviewing a family to call his/her own!

2018 was ushered in accompanied by unusually frigid temperatures—weather conditions that were both inhumane and illegal for dogs to be living outdoors.  But on New Year’s Day, St. Hubert’s received a call from NJ Animal Control and Rescue about 3 dogs who’d been discovered the night before alone and unsheltered in an industrial area of North Bergen.   Together with the police and a team of high school athlete volunteers, all three were eventually apprehended. 

We work often with NJ Animal Control and Rescue and our followers will recall one of their high profile cases last summer when we welcomed the 27 badly neglected Poodles they’d removed from deplorable conditions.   We agreed to take in this trio as well.

Upon arrival, our medical team examined them to ascertain whether they needed any emergency or immediate medical care.  Thankfully there was no frostbite or anything else worrisome, but they were three cold and scared dogs.  St. Hubert’s definitely has the cure for that!  

Originally reported to be a mother and her two puppies, once in hand it was discovered that the largest one assumed to be the mother is actually the same age.  The trio is estimated to be about 9 months old.

Dubbed by their rescuers Cebro, Camila and Canela, they are happy to be safe and warm, and are adjusting well to their surroundings and the attention of staff.   We expect it won’t be long at all before they’ll be ready for “meet and greets” with potential new families.

While we don’t know how these poor pups came to be on their own in such cold weather, we all know that it’s up to people to provide safe, humane housing for their animals.  New Jersey has specific law regarding dogs housed or spending time outdoors and it includes language clearly defining “adverse weather conditions.”  To learn more you can read the law here.